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10/14/24- Sin vs. Mistake

Just like the sunsets at the end of each day, so may our lives be rejuvenated with the change of our hearts and minds. Mistakes were touched on in my last blog. And now sin and the similarities between both mistakes and sins will be highlighted.

Interestingly, a mistake and a sin are so closely related that they could almost be misconstrued as the same offense. A sin is defined as- an offense against religious or moral law, -an action that is or is felt to be highly reprehensible, -an often serious shortcoming. The definition of sin sure sounds more offensive than a mistake. And a sin is reflective of a mistake made against God’s commandments. Ultimately sin is an error in judgment and an offense that can harm yourself and others. In all actuality, a sin not only harms yourself or others, it hurts our Father God.

God gave Moses 10 commandments for us to follow. These commandments were given to us to help guide us and protect us. Just like a parent gives guidance to their children, God wanted to give perimeters for His people to follow.

Sin aligns more so with lacking love for another or for self and loving the ways of the world. Giving into temptation of what this world has to offer that appears tantalizing or acting from a place absent of love results in sin.

Steering clear of sin can be challenging. After all , the greatest commandment is to love God above all others and to love one another. Mistakes we make often result in an offense that harms another, just like sin does. These mistakes and sins are often a result of the greatest weapon that is available to each and every one of us, the tongue through spoken words.

Our words can lay trail to more harm and pain than if we had taken a bullet. And the words we have spoken can leave a trail that follows us and opens a door for others to repeat. We have recently witnessed that even God has control over whether we take a bullet or not, in Butler Pennsylvania at the Trump rally.

The result of harsh words spoken or boastful words spoken can be almost impossible to cover. Words cannot be taken back. They also can leave us with a strong feeling of guilt that can sometimes feel overwhelming and all consuming. Our remorse is rarely evident to others.

We all know that humans are hard on other humans and judge them by their words. Humans do not often give slack or forgive misspoken words. And people often judge others by the words they have spoken. Even when someone has asked forgiveness, an offensive conversation can be challenging to forget or forgive.

Thankfully God knew this about us. He provided a way out from under the weight of mistakes and sin. He gave us His Son, who willingly went to the cross. The cross is where He carried all of humankind’s sins. He did this out of complete love and obedience so that we would not have to carry a heavy burden of offense around with us throughout life. He did this so that we could ask forgiveness and He would listen and answer our cry. He has only ever asked that we have faith and believe, in His goodness and love, that He is our Savior from sin in this broken world.

Hopefully every human being will heed God’s commandments to guide their lives and free them from troubles. And hopefully all will have faith at least the size of a mustard seed, and believe that Jesus is the Son of God who came to take away the sin of the world. The only judgement that should weigh on us is the ultimate judge of all our transgressions, and thankfully He provided a way out.

John 12: 47- 49

"And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him--the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak."


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