Is it hard for you to make hard decisions when you feel like you are letting others down?
This week has been a week of making hard decisions and changing plans. I feel good about the changes, but it was hard for me to make them. Somethings were up in the air with my youngest son's departure date, and I had made commitments prior to knowing the dates. The correct outcome is set in motion, which is starting to help me be more at ease.
It is hard to be all things to all people in our lives. And this is why it is not our responsibility to be there for everyone. We are in the equation of our lives with guidance from above. We just need to take time to quiet our minds and make the correct decision for ourselves, and the one's we love.
Thankfully I was able to share my concerns with a group of women who love and support me. These women also have a close connection with Our Creator. After asking for prayers for discernment, God proceeded to put friends in my way, so that I could receive the support I needed to make this hard decision. The encouragement was so helpful.
There are times when we can carry around everything on our to do lists. This in turn can feel paralyzing. It is ok to take a time out and reset our focus. This is why I did not post two days this week. Thankfully at the age of 55, I finally have learned to not carry guilt around all day and give myself some grace to take time for myself. This is a gift. I can recall all those days in my younger years, 20s, 30s, and 40s when I would feel guilty for taking time to reset myself. I feel grateful that I have found peace in this area of my life.
My youngest son is starting a new chapter of his life. He will be moving some 2000 miles away from home to a new landscape, the mountains of Aspen, CO. His path has been a bit unconventional from the start. Taking a path that is unique can feel isolating. It can also make you feel like an outsider. He has handled so much of this like a champ, and I am so proud of him and happy for him for this next new chapter. Taking a different path requires courage, and he has exemplified courage and trust in this life. God is walking with Him, I feel confident of this fact.
Silencing the noise from the outside world can be hard, but it is necessary. This world can try to pull us apart if we walk alone. Spending time in the word or prayer can help ensure that we are listening and receiving guidance from the true author of our lives. That is why our lives are much richer walking with the Giver of life. God is in control. TRUST & CELEBRATE!
Hebrews 2: 10- 13
10 “In bringing many sons and daughters
to glory,
it was fitting that God,
for whom and through whom
everything exists,
should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through what He suffered.
11 Both the one who makes people
holy and those who are made holy
are of the same family.
So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.
12 He says,
‘I will declare your name to my
brothers and sisters;
in the assembly
I will sing your praises.’
13 And again,
‘I will put my trust in Him.’
And again He says,
“Here am I, and the children God
has given me.’”