Are you aware of others you pass throughout your day?
More and more we see passersby looking down at a screen This is becomming commonplace. However, humans need interaction and connection. Our actions when we come across another human being could change the course of their lives.
My Mom has always loved to connect with others. Any time I was with her in public, she was always smiling and greeting others. Whenever we were in the car and passed by another car, she would wave. As a teenager, I was mordified and rolled my eyes a few times, I'm sure. Little did I know that she was setting a loving example for me to follow. The desire to connect and share love with others throughout their day has been carried on by me as a gift from my Mom.
Not only did my Mom share love well with others and pass this down to me, she also had a strong faith in God. Her faith was strong enough for me to believe in God. In turn, faith in God is a stronghold in our family. Faith in God allows us to focus on loving others. Faith also enables us to connect with others and share love as we were commanded by God, "love one another, as I have loved you."
Not everyone is willing to make eye contact. Not everyone is willing to receive love. Not everyone is willing to have faith in Jesus or God our Father. All of these are gifts that we can choose to receive and give to others we can encounter throughout a day.
What are you choosing to receive in this lifetime? Is it love and everlasting life?
Be aware of what you are projecting to others, and the decisions you make on what to hold in your heart. This is reflected to others. You are able to make a difference in this life, simply by the words you share and love you project throughout your day.
John 15:15
"No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you."