Where does positivity come from?
Life would be so great without doubt. Yet, would humans become bored if we weren't required to use our brains? God obviously knew how humans work. He created us in His image. Yet He did not make us all knowing, which He embodies. However, God is love. And to achieve love, we are required to sacrifice of self. In order to self-sacrifice, we must have a desire for positive outcomes. Therein lies the power of positivity, the ability to love; to know love, to experience love, and to give and receive love.
Love is not necessarily recognized alone. So much in this day and age, we hear others giving the advice to love yourself, and then you will be able to love others. And yet, where or who are we turning to in order to learn to love ourselves. Reassurance from another human being? I think we have already established that there is no perfect human, so how can we be confident that another human can actually enable us to love ourselves well? Jesus, who was the Son of God, is our only perfect example of love revealed to this world.
Just as God loves each and every one of us. We long to share love with others. The feeling of love for someone, an object or love we receive, is something I wish we could all bottle. It is the best feeling in the world. Love is the best gift in the world and in the world to come. This amazing gift makes it all the more clear that God is love, and He longs to provide love for each and every one of His children.
There are times when we need love, and we are not sure where or when we will feel it again. Love is authentic and real. Love is described in 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. This Chapter is oftentimes read at weddings as a guide to young couple who are committing to share their lives, homes, belongings and space with one another. Love requires the sacrifice of self. The positivity of love comes when we have faith and hope in another person that is ultimately from God.
My senior year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, as a captain of the Women's UNC Swimming and Diving team, the UNC women's team won the ACC Championship. This was the first and only time we won ACC's while I was swimming at UNC. Our team had been building from the time I started as a freshman at UNC. When I have reflected with teammates from this era, we all acknowledege that our team had something that couldn't be taught or coached. Our team environment was one of love and support of each and every member of the team. Every woman on our team played a vital role to the success we attained that year, and which followed in successive years, after I had finished my career. The underlying gift that was present in this large group of athletic women was the power of positivity, which stemmed from love and support of each other. WE all had each other's backs! There were a few superstars, but they did not walk around with an attitude that required recognition. They simply fit into the puzzle piece of our team which desired for every teammate to give their all and do their best for each other. Self- sacrifice and love, which came from each and every member of our team, filled the pool deck with positivity.
(The men’s team also won ACC’s in 1991).
An atmosphere of love can come from a leader, individuals, but ultimately love comes from God. And everyone must buy into choosing love over self, or recognition of self. Being a part of a group of individuals who embody love and the emotional energy that come from love, is a gift from above and manifests the power of positivity.
2 Timothy 3: 16- 17
“All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training
in righteousness,
so that the servant of God
may be thoroughly equipped
for every good work.”