Where does your help come from?
Every single one of us have relied on someone throughout our lifetime. Every single one of us entered this world reliant on a Mother to meet our needs. We relied on her to feed us, comfort us, and clean us.
As we grow, we become more and more self sufficient. Speaking as a Mother of three, I am thankful for this fact. A Mother sacrifices so much of herself for her children. Some more than others, but the basic needs are met to reach an age where independence can be achieved. Sacrifice is love.
While studying the Bible, and the life of Jesus, it is revealed that Jesus came as a sacrifice for all humankind. His sacrifice was pure love, just like that of a good Mother.
The story of the Samaritan woman in the Bible is the first time that Jesus revealed Himself as the One that was to come, the Messiah. He spoke these words to a Samaritan woman who visited the well in the middle of the day, when she wouldn’t be seen by others. Jesus spoke to her, which was not a common practice in this time, a man speaking with a woman who was alone. He also spoke to her about living water and all that she had done in her life. She went back to town without her water jug and told all the people in the town to come and see Jesus, the one who had told her all she had ever done. Also,that He was the One who was to come. In turn, all of those who lived in the town of Samaria believed Jesus was the Messiah.
Jesus spoke of living water, which He offers to meet our eternal needs. Anyone who believes in Him will receive the living water which allows every believer to receive the Spirit. The Spirit, our helper, is a gift from God that accompanies us throughout our time on earth, in this lifetime.
God sent Jesus to make know to all mankind that He will provide help to us in this lifetime. We only need to have the faith to believe in Jesus. God’s Helper is His Spirit which was provided to all mankind through the sacrifice of Jesus’ life, pure love.
John 7:38-39
“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.“
Happy Fri-Yay!