Do you acknowledge or see the gifts you have received in this life?
This world is busy, and life flies by! So many distractions and so little time are in our visual radar on a daily basis. However, it's like the saying, "Stop and smell the roses," we must force ourselves to slow down and acknowledge God's true blessings in this lifetime. If we don't, this world will remind us of all that we don't physically have and all that we are lacking, which robs us of our joy and happiness.
This past weekend was such a blessing to be with people we have loved for 37 years. Our dear friends came down for the weekend. All of our time together was precious. We can just pick up right where we left off the last time we were together, a true gift. We get each other completely, no need to stop and explain anything. We are sympatico. What a true gift of love, which spills forth joy, happiness and laughter. There is no judgement. We all can truly be ourselves and feel loved.
This is a true gift from above. A true gift of friendship and love that cannot be bought, be bargained for, or be awarded . Love is unmeasured, and it is free to all who chose to receive it.
This kind of friendship mirrors the love of Jesus, who was sent to us by His Father in heaven. Jesus showed compassion, mercy and selflessness to those He encountered in His life. He loved all that He encountered in His time on earth. He associated and ate with the tax collector, a member of society who most despised and would not be associated with socially. He revealed His true identity, as the Messiah, to the prostitute in Samaria, whom all had alienated. He showed mercy to her. He healed the lame man, simply because His friends loved Him enough to carry him and lower him through the hole in the roof they had made, a true example of faith. He healed those with leprosy. He did not fear them like everyone else.
His compassion to feed all 5,000 people who were with Him, true unselective hospitality. He did not turn away one, and no one was left hungry. He raised Lazarus from the dead, His true friend, whom so many mourned when he died. He revealed the worthiness of children and welcomed them with open arms. He washed His disciples feet as a lesson in servant leadership exemplifying the value of humility and selflessness. Ultimately, He sacrificed and gave His life for each and everyone of us. So that everyone who choses to believe that He is the Son of God, may be forgiven their sins. This selfless act, in turn, allows us to spend eternity with Him.
Pause throughout your day today and acknowledge in your mind, on paper, or share with a loved one what the true gifts are that you see in your life. It can be something you see visually, or feel deep within yourself, or towards a special person in your life. Focus on the goodness today and acknowledge at least 3 of your great gifts that you usually take forgranted.
Matthew 6: 8- 13
"Therefore do not be like them.
For your Father knows the things you have
need of before you ask Him.
In this manner therefore pray:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done.
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power
and the glory forever. Amen."
Thank you Jill! Great perspective!