Do you set yourself apart from others with the choices you make?
We are all unique individuals as we have already touched upon. And every single person adds a unique quality to the whole. The body requires the whole to function best. Just like we work best when adding others who compliment our talents. We are called to be set apart from those of the world, and we are not to make the same choices as those who do not harbor complete love.
Free will is something that can come at a cost. We do not want to be separated from the One who truly loves us. This is of the utmost importance, and should be considered first before making all decisions. This leads us back to drawing closer to our Maker by reading His word and going to Him in prayer.
Apart from God, we will not make the best choices. We may have the right to do anything, but anything apart from Him, is not always beneficial. With our focus on God while making choices we put love first, which considers others who will be impacted by our decisions. Let love be your guide and the words of love be carried in your heart.
1 Corinthians 10: 23- 24
"'I have the right to do anything,' you say---but not everything is beneficial.' I have the right to do anything' ---but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others."