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11/27/24- Glory of God

Who do you honor with your decisions?

It is important for us to make our decisions wisely and think before we speak or act. This is not always easy, and has actually been a challenge for me throughout my life. My brain and my reactions have always been fast. Quick-witted, a sprinter, and quick to the punch are the categories created for people like me. Not all bad, but sometimes not the best, especially when considering others' feelings.

We are all wonderfully and beautifully made according to the Bible. All of us work together for the good of He who created us. Believe it or not, God needed some of us to be quick to react. This allows some of us to lead by example. Decisions do have to be made and acted upon or else nothing will be set in motion,

Throughout my life, I have worried that my quick words or reactions may have hurt others. My Grandma once told me, "Be careful what you say, because you can't take it back." Not until slowing down during this period where I was forced to do just that, have I been able to slow down my words and not release words that I have thought. This has allowed me to be more at peace with less fear that I have hurt someone with my quick words that present. Peace is a nice place to live.

Always remember that God knows your heart. It is not always the words that escape for which we will be judged by our Creator. It is only those of this world who will judge based on our outward appearance. Yet, we are called not to judge for a reason.

1 Corinthians 10: 31

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."


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