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11/4/24- I See You

What catches your eye?

This world is filled with beauty and a multitudes of species. Any area that catches your interest has a lifetime of material to fulfill your desire to learn, if you so choose to explore and delve into an interest. The depths and layers of what you choose to gain are endless. God knew that humans were intelligent and that we long to expand and grow.

The eyes of an individual are also the gateway into our inner being. Most of what is absorbed in our surroundings is through visual stimulation. This sweet baby pictured above has just been given the gift of sight with his first pair of glasses. The joy is evident. Sight can invite so much joy inside.

Although all the sensories have ways of benefitting each and every one of us if we so choose. This can be beneficial to you if you have access to a surrounding that is pleasing and catches your interest. However, so many have a hard time seeing through the outlying distractions. And some individuals have very unpleasant surroundings.

Redirecting our visual stimulation to acknowledge the unseen is much more challenging. Faith is required to believe in the creator of mankind. God has only been physically seen by His Son, Jesus. God gave us His Son and His word. Spending time reading and learning God's word is a necessity to create a relationship with Him.

Unfortunately there are so many other distractions in this world. Humans are self-centered and long to meet our own needs. This in turn can lead us to a place where suffering is introduced. Sometimes it is through suffering and relying on hope that a person is brought to his or her knees. If this does happen, if he or she chooses to bend a knee, the miracle of faith can be born.

Thankfully, when my daily suffering began on November 16, 2016, I opened my Bible. Thankfully, I had a foundation and knew God. However, it was through my suffering that I was brought to my knees. I learned quickly that speaking of my daily suffering with those in my life would not allow me to hold onto my relationships. I also learned that no friend, family member, Pastor or Doctor could stop or explain my symptoms that woke me every morning at the crack of dawn. I did know that I did not want to waste the days with loved ones in this lifetime wallowing in self- pity. I was forced to turn to Jesus and change my mindset to not focus on the daily weakness and inability to walk and participate in normal daily activities, but focus on what God had blessed me with throughout my day. I began to praise God for His goodness, any goodness that I could find. For there are a multitude of amazing gifts that each one of us are granted in a day. I just had to become aware of what I so easily had learned to take for granted. This created a desire in me to learn more about the hidden truths about God that are recorded in the Bible.

I was no longer able to attend nursing school. I had worked tirelessly to complete all my pre-requisites with near straight A's, which allowed me the opportunity to fulfill this plan I had set in motion. However, I have learned that God's plan for my life was far better than my own.

The foundation I had by knowing of God has blossomed into a relationship with God. I no longer feel alone. I feel fulfilled. Love, Faith and Hope have filled me completely. An amazing amount of blessings overflow from within me. I am forever grateful to God and His Son, Jesus. If only my suffering and words could spare those I love, which is a vast number, to forgo suffering and gift them with faith, hope, love, and a desire to establish a lasting relationship with Jesus, our Savior.

The truths in God's recorded and written word are available to each and every one of us. It is so important to seek first the kingdom of God. The gifts we have been given are all the more opportunity to recognize and acknowledge our Creator. Hardening our hearts and not allowing faith to fill us only deprives us of the goodness that is all around us and in the goodness that is to come.

Matthew 7: 7- 12

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. 'Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?'"


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