What makes you, you?
All human beings are unique individuals. Each one of us looks different, except for twins. Although, most parents and close acquainances can tell them apart. We all learn and process information and our surroundings differently. The gifts we are blessed with are different.
Human minds are easily influenced. We tend to conform and transform our thoughts and knowledge based on the people we associate with and interact with on a regular basis. Innately, humans want to be recognized, noticed. Each one of us has an ego. How else would we survive in this life? However, who gets the credit for our gifts and talents?
Each and every one of us, has a unique upbringing that impacts who he or she become and the personality traits that form. Most of us can probably remember times from our youth, and time spent with friends. Interestingly, friend groups tend to talk the same, and have similar mannerisms. Some of the phrases I remember from high school include: "Sweet, Radical, Dude." Most of us in the 80s used these terms. Even today it is fun to reminisce with a “sweet” or “dude.” Some of my personal choices to address friends that I felt I had created were, "Honeychild, Sweetheart, Dumplin' Puss, Darlin'." Although, I have learned that somewhere someone else in this vast country and world, someone or several others also believe they coined these terms to address friends.
Think about fashion and trends. Many individuals, especially women, spend hours and hours trying to find his or her own unique personal style. Deep down, each one believes that he or she will create and reveal a unique look. Although most clothing trends resemble other individuals outfits and are just that, trends. There are fashion trends that we can all reflect on by decade. There are even hairstyles by decade because we are easily influenced by others.
As much as we think we are unique, there are others in this world who are thinking, speaking and attempting to look the same as others they revere as fashionable. So much of our surroundings and what we have survived impact who we choose to become and identify as in life.
What each one of us believes and who we believe in is also impacted by others we admire and surround ourselves with. A prime example of this is someone who grows up in a home where Christ is worshipped. He or she will either believe in Christ or completely reject Christ. This tends to be based off much of what was witnessed in the home, along with the examples portrayed by the adults who were the role models. It is also a result of what each and every single person experienced on a personal level while growing up. The same can be said about Judaism, Buddhism, atheism, Reincarnation, etc. Although, much of these other beliefs or religions tend to be more cultural and ritualist. This is an outsider's stereotype, as I am not one who grew up in a home with someone who practiced these other beliefs.
As we grow older and some of us wiser, we can either cling to the societal fads and influences, or we can take our own path. It is clear that our own path that we walk will resemble others who walk similar paths. In order for us to establish our walkways, we must spend time with our own thoughts. Our Creator, longs for us to spend time learning, processing, and in prayer with Him. His truths are hidden in His word.
Jesus spoke in parables. He did this in order that each one who heard His words could process them in their own unique way. However, the truth can be found in the Bible, if we allow ourselves to see it and process it, even if it doesn't fit into our idea of what we want for our own life. It is so important to remember that God wants what is good for us in this life and the one to come. He has promised us this, and it is recorded in the Bible.
Unfortunately, some individuals have had much harder shoes to walk in through his or her life. The cards that were dealt to each and every person is unique and different. The truth still remains the same. Hopefully, there will be a burning desire instilled in all of God's children to have faith enough to believe in what is not visible or tangible. How great that joy and place of love can be in this life, if it is chosen. This fleeting small blip of time each one of us has in this lifetime will soon end. However, eternity is forever, so much greater our joy when we are united with God our Father.
This is promised.
Joshua 21: 45
"Not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled."
Psalm 145: 13
"Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and your dominion endures through all generations.
The Lord is trustworthy in all He promises
and faithful in all He does."