What can be seen without light?
As we begin to celebrate the season of Christmas, what do we see more and more around town, in yards, in homes, and on homes? LIGHTS! More and more lights are added everywhere to decorate and begin the celebration of Christmas. Christmas is the day we celebrate the birthday of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the light who came into the world, so that we may be blessed with His goodness in our lives and in the everlasting.
It is the season of giving and waiting. Kids can hardly be attentive in school, and parents cannot keep up with all the extra to dos added to their normal lists. Christmas can become a time of chaos if we let it and give in to the worldly demands that have been created.
The Christmas season is yet another time where we must set ourselves apart from the world. Establish traditions that are focused on God's goodness. As a young Mother, I would become overwhelmed during Christmas time, until finally one year my Pastor's wife shared with me that she would give 3 gifts per person in the family. The 3 gifts represent the gifts given by the 3 Wise Men who arrived at the stall after Jesus was born. These gifts were given to provide for Mary and Joseph during their upcoming challenges that lay in wait to keep Jesus safe from the king who felt threatened. I adopted this tradition starting that year. It helps to give perspective and stay focused on the reason for the season.
Another tradition that I started was having a candle lit in our home in wait of the coming of the light of the world that was born on Christmas day. This tradition reminds me of when I was a child, and my Dad would place a light in each window in the front of our home. My bedroom was in the front of the house, and I loved having the little candlelights in my windows during the season. As I reminisce now on those nights as a child in our home, the candlelight provided comfort, peace and joy. I love these memories and feeling that flood me with goodness.
Light allows us to see. Light guides us. Light comforts us. Light warms us. Light makes us feel safe.
God is light, and God is love.
John 8:12-
"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said,
"I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life."