Who is calling?
Tis the season for lots of goings ons...unfortunately, out of clumsiness, I dropped my phone getting out of my car yesterday. It landed face down and the screen shattered leaving half the screen black and the other half looking like a UPC code. I thought to myself, thankfully I didn't wreck my car. However, many new challenges faced me for the remainder of the day. Another positive was that I have a Dick Tracy watch that I bought a few months back. I was not completely cut-off.
While navigating the remainder of my day yesterday, I went "old school" a little, minus the Dick Tracy watch, which helped a lot. The post-it notes began to become very valuable. I tried to transcribe what I could decipher from my phone onto post-its, in case all was lost. I wasn't sure if the information on my phone would be backed up or lost. It turns out that it was a good thing that I had written down my most recent history of searches. They were not recovered, once I had set-up my new phone.
Ironically, after this weeks Sunday family dinner, we had a discussion about phones. My youngest son's phone is not working properly, and he asked for a new one. I have been dragging my feet, because the phones we are so reliant on these days are just so dang expensive. My contribution to the conversation was that I have had my phone for six years, and I will keep it as long as I can. Well, that ended up not being too much longer.
In all actuality, it took me breaking my own phone to realize that this is our line of communication. At this point, my son has still been able to call home, but what if it wasn't too much longer before his phone actually died. He is on the other side of the country.
After seeing the numerous post-it notes visible around my space, it became apparent to me that the phone meets so many needs. My phone is my alarm clock, my recipe book, my calendar, my bill pay, my encyclopedia, my recorder, my speaker, my flashlight... Kind of important.
Just like having a broken phone can result in us missing our calls, being distracted by our phones can have the same effect. We must not be distracted by the world and miss the calling for our lives. From the beginning of time, God has made the call on what to name and provide for each and everyone of us. In Genesis 1:5- "God called the light 'day' and the darkness he called 'night.' And there was evening, and there was morning--the first day."
God made it known to Moses in the beginning that His name would be known from generation to generation. His word is still accessible to each and every one of us. If we don't have a physical Bible, we can use our phones to access His word on sites like: biblegateway.com. Finding time to be at peace with God, and in His word can help us to receive His guidance and direction for our lives. Answer God's call, He longs for you to call on Him.
Exodus 3: 15-
"God also said to Moses,
'Say to the Israelites,
'The Lord, the God of your fathers--
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob--
has sent me to you.'
'This is my name forever,
the name you shall call me
from generation to generation."