What is free will?
The American Heritage Dictionary defines "free will" as: "the ability or discretion to choose; free choice; the power of making choices that are neither determined by natural causality nor predestined by fate or divine will; and a person's natural inclination; unforced choice."
Good is inside all of God's creations. We can reference the Bible back to the beginning, where He acknowledges all that He has made as good. It is recorded 7 times in the book of Genesis, "And God saw that it was good." Therefore inside each and everyone of us is innate goodness.
Interestingly, while referencing the Bible in the book of Genesis, it was recorded that God created the heavens and the earth and that "darkness was over the surface of the deep."-Genesis 1:2. Darkness was already in existence. What God provided was light!
Yesterday, I drove all around town. I made a pick up from a friend's house and then several drop offs at Green Chair Project, Habitat Restore, and the dump. Of course these organizations are all spread out throughout town, so I covered a lot of the greater Raleigh area. On almost every corner I became aware of the numerous old drug stores that have been converted into Medical Practices. The number was too many to count. I can reassure you that the number was much greater than 7.
This morning, I began thinking about the power of our choices. Our choices impact this life greatly. They also impact where we will spend eternity. Free will was a powerful gift that God entrusted us with in life. God was not a dictator, but a loving Father. His guidance to allow us a rich life, full of good health, joy, peace and love are all hidden in the Bible. It is up to us to choose to adhere to His guidance.
Temptations are all around us in the vast, beautiful world. Just as Eve was tempted in the garden, there are little whispers by the, fallen one, who longs for us to reach for and accept the forbidden fruit. God knew what the devil was capable of, and this is why He had promised to send a Savior to His children into this world.
The unfortunate result of following our own intuition usually results in heartache and pain. When we choose the opposite of goodness, it can impact us on a deep level. Unfortunately, when we make these poor choices over and over again, this is when we begin to harden our hearts. This is a natural instinct to protect us from the pain that we can endure in this world by doing things "our way." I'm sure you've heard the saying, "It's my way or the highway." Living according to this statement doesn't leave much room for goodness to prevail. As I reflect on it now, this way of living, seems very isolating and lonely with little to no room for love. As we know, love is God's greatest gift, both in this life and the one that is to come. Choose Love!
Jesus was sent to offer each and everyone of us forgiveness. This was the purpose of His life. His believers will be reunited with Him again when we depart this earth. Choose Forgiveness!
Matthew 26: 28- 29
"This is my blood of the covenant,
which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
I tell you, I will not drink from this
fruit of the vine
from now on until that day when
I drink it new with you
in my Father's kingdom."