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2/12/24- Sacrifice for A Lasting Celebration

1 Corinthians 9:24- “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize.”

An athlete is constantly striving, sacrificing, and practicing to learn new skills to apply in performance events. The Super Bowl is one of the top athletic events that our country enjoys every year. The players from the Chiefs and the 49ers gave their all on the field last night. Each team, each coach and each player desired the prize. Ultimately, the Chiefs won the prize. The smiles, hugs, high 5’s, and confetti all invoked jubilation as the Chiefs celebrated their win.

The satisfaction and joy we feel when we win is immeasurable. In this lifetime we are called to be disciplined, dedicated, and determined. We are not to be lazy but strive to better ourselves and get closer to the prize.

Our ultimate prize was when Jesus took our sins and nailed them to the cross. That was our gift from God above. He wants us to strive to be with Him for eternity. God calls us to be righteous, and acknowledge His great sacrifice He made for us. God sacrificed His only Son for all those who believe that Jesus was sent as our Redeemer for our iniquities.

I hope you chose the path of righteousness, and accept that Jesus was God’s sacrifice for all who believe. Those who chose this path of sacrifice, hard work, and discipline will experience an even greater celebration than winning the Super Bowl. Celebrating is most enjoyable when we have our loved ones alongside us.


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