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2/13/24- Speak Good Words

Jeremiah 15:9- "This is how the LORD responds: “If you return to me, I will restore you so you can continue to serve me. If you speak good words rather than worthless ones, you will be my spokesman. You must influence them; do not let them influence you!"

There is something about family that can warm your heart. Especially when you hug a cousin who lives over 2000 miles away that you haven't seen in almost 10 years. I'm so thankful I was able to see her yesterday.

Most of us have had to endure a hard season in life. Life can present challenges. We can chose how we define our challenging season, but hopefully we have someone to talk with and maybe lend more than an ear. This is not always the case.

I highly recommend a book that I just finished called The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. It is a self-help book that teaches you how to work through events that have gotten blocked and haven't allowed you to release inner pain, which impacts your psyche. We have to be willing to devote time into healing past hurts. "If you don't solve the root problem, but instead, attempt to protect yourself from the problem, it ends up running your life." (pg. 130).

If you are in need of support, find a professional who can help you. Those who know that they are not walking alone, but have God walking with them, are more likely to walk with comfort. Train yourself to trust and believe in God's promises.

~Keep moving forward and never give up.


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