My husband and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in October of 2023. We met when we were 18 years old in a field in Chapel Hill in the first few days of starting college at UNC, where most of the freshman swimmers gathered to play ultimate frisbee. We spent hours together over the next couple years training, in the library studying or at the athlete's dining hall called Table.
If you had told me that day on the field that I would end up marrying him, I would never have believed you. However, he has been a great gift in my life, and God blessed me mightily with him as my companion. Our relationship is something we work on every day to give each other a peaceful mind, comfort and support.
It is not instinct to consider others before ourselves. However, it does make us feel good and happy when others do kind things for us which makes us feel loved. How much more should we work on our relationship with God, giving time to Him, learning about Him, and praying to Him.
Matthew 12: 34- "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things."
Since the beginning of time, we have longed to be connect with others. God created us to have companionship. He created Eve as a helper for Adam. We long to be in good relations with others, especially those we love or feel a connection.