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2/26/24-Told to the Whole World

Matthew 26:10-13 "But when Jesus was aware of it, He said to them, 'Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a good work for Me. For you have the poor with you always, but Me you do not have always. For in pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial. Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.'"

The acknowledgment of "the whole world will hear about this story," from when Jesus walked on this earth, has really been staying with me. Since I traveled to the Colosseum in Rome this past September 2023, it cemented in me that Jesus' stories of His time on earth were meant to be told to the world.

The Colosseum, the largest ancient amphitheater ever built, was built in Rome in AD 69- 79. . This same Colosseum is still the largest standing amphitheater in the world, completed in AD 80.

While visiting the Colosseum, I learned that many Christians were executed in this arena and is "now dedicated to the sufferings of the martyrs." At the entrance to the main level stands a large cross, a symbol of the martyred Christians, along with several other crosses in the Colosseum.

The most amazing thing I witnessed while in the Colosseum was a hidden etching that I happened upon with my husband. The etching was visible in a back stairwell after reaching the landing on the second floor, you must physically turnaround and look up into the upper back corner. The etching depicted 3 men hanging on crosses, the same image I have in my head from hearing about Jesus' crucifixion. We were the only people in this section during the 20+ minutes we stood there, taking pictures and reading documentation about the relics on display.

While writing this post, my computer refused to save this post. It kicked me off the website and tried to keep me from writing this account. I persisted for an extra hour in hopes that this story would reach others and compel them to think on the splendor of what Jesus sacrificed for all of us. He laid down His life for all who believe to grant them eternal life with Him and God the Father.

Keep sharing, Keep Hoping, Keep Believing.


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