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  • Jill Countie

2/29/24- Keep Spreading Goodness

I was recently in Arizona and am always in awe of the Saguaro Cactus. It is so out of the ordinary of what I see on a typical day on the eastern side of our country. What astonished me most about the saguaro that I learned on this trip, was that it takes up to 100 years before one of the these magnificent species will grow a protruding ball which will eventually turn into an "arm" on the cactus.

God provided the Saguaro to thrive in the dry- climate of the desert to allow survival of humans and many other living species. The Saguaro has provided food and water for humans for thousands of years in the desert. This species of cactus is able to store large amounts of rainwater, which has allowed it to survive through droughts and live for centuries. God allows all life to adapt to thrive where planted.

Think about that!

God sent Jesus to all of us on earth, so that we could survive and love with Him for eternity. Those Jesus called to be His disciples while He was on earth, started the ball rolling with spreading the word of God to all mankind. The disciples were diligent with their efforts to tell others about what they had witnessed with their time with Jesus. All but one of the 12 disciples were martyrs who died spreading the word of Jesus.

All of the disciples who were with Jesus, dedicated their lives to spreading the good word of Jesus. Matthew, John and Peter were the 3 disciples who wrote and recorded books that are in the New Testament. They each spent hours and hours writing not only of what they witnessed, but also to encourage other believers. There are so many words that each one of these individuals recorded in their letters in the Bible, that are the same, if not similar.

After Jesus died, believers formed Christian churches to continue with their works of spreading the word, the truth and the light. Everyone who has felt the presence of God or actually been in the true presence of Jesus, wants to share what they have witnessed with all their loved ones. Feeling this presence of Jesus changes your life forever, the complete feeling of love and peace fills anyone who calls on Him and believes in His word.

Matthew 14: 19- "Then He commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass. And He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples; and the disciples gave to the multitudes."

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