There is no magic pill, no osmosis, or shortcut. The bottom line is you have to do the work. Sticking your head in the sand or living in ignorance is not the answer to fulfilling God's wish for your life. We are called to be His vessels, His messengers. How can we be successful at building His kingdom, if we don't do the work. Study, learn, convey and act are all the things we are called to do for Him, everyday!
My husband and I received some devastation news last evening. A young life lost too soon. I'm not sure how a parent recovers from the loss of their child. I know that life has so many unexpected twists and turns that are challenging. No one said it would be easy. Actually, the hard things are what stick with us.
I have always told my kids, "Anything worth doing is usually hard." Well guess what, life is hard. Life can also be fulfilling.
This is my daughter, Grace, on the podium at ACCs. She had endured all the hard & reaped reward.
Prepare yourselves and your children by equipping in your heart and mind those key reminders that will help you to get up when life knocks you down or you receive tragic news. Make a commitment to yourself to join a study group, join a church, learn God's word and all the truths that lie within His gift to us, the Bible. Dive in and learn how God has been with His people all through the ages just as He promised.
Isaiah 41:10- " Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Praise God for the blessings, loved one, and living water that He has provided for you today throughout your life.
There is no magic. Do the work.
Would be a great bumper sticker in the quick-fix world we inhabit.
Love your posts!
We are sorry for your devastating news, but so happy that you were up early with another uplifting blog entry.