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3/11/24- Imperfectly Perfect

Sometimes our imperfections are what make us endearing. My Mother-in-Law was infamous for having her finger in almost every picture she ever took. She raised 5 lovely children and loved all 7 of her grandchildren. She loved taking pictures of all of us whenever she could.

Her finger present in each picture is what we remember. Since her passing, we now purposely include a finger as a joke when we share pictures with each other.

These are the fun memories we choose to highlight and focus on the goodness of Betty. Receiving a picture from a family member with a finger makes us laugh and remember the love that sweet Betty blessed all of us with during her time with her on earth.

Maybe she loved all of those she was capturing in a photo so much that she wanted to reach out and touch each one of us. This subliminally might have been her way of staying with her loved ones when she was gone. How much more does God love us that He wants to always be with those who call on Him. He gave us His Spirit, so that we would know that He is always with us.

1 Corinthians 12:7 "Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good."


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