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  • Jill Countie

3/12/24- Individual's with Image

Every person is an individual first. Do you not think that God made us all to have a bit of Him in each one of us? He did say that we were made in His image. We have a physical body and an immaterial soul/spirit.

This is actually the day my Mom birthed me. I say it this way, because I have loved to joke with my children throughout the years. When they have some exciting achievement or don't want me in on something, I will jokingly say, "I birthed you." I say this to remind them from where they entered this world. God loaned them to me to love in this lifetime, so blessed.

Birthdays are a day that most of us look forward to, and a day we feel special. Birthdays have been a highlighter and timeline marker from the beginning of Christ's birth. What an amazing thought. It is March 12, 2024, and exactly that many days from "0" that Christ was born. Think about that, everyone, in some sense, can associate with the grandiosity of Christ's birth. His birthday represents the beginning of our calendar, the start of our human generational count.

John 8:42- Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me."

How much more special will the day be when we see Christ come again. I hope today you will be able to sit down and do some inner work and reflection. I recently read a quote that seems applicable today, “The love of God is the unique source of all certainties.” [1] Only an outer and positive reference point utterly grounds the mind and heart." - Simone Weil.

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Mar 15

Happy birthday 🎉

Jill Countie
Mar 25
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Thank you! 🩵


Mar 12

Happy Birthday!🎂🎂🎂🩷🩷🩷

Jill Countie
Mar 25
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Thank you! 🩵


Mar 12

Happy Birthday sweet Jill💃

Jill Countie
Mar 25
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Thank you! 🩵

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