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3/13/24- Power Behind Words

I have struggled with my post today. Go figure. I couldn't seem to find the words to relay or try to reach others. I found that what I really needed to do was to go to God's word for guidance. How important it is to guide my day and my thoughts and what I am to bring to this day.

Proverbs 30: 5-6- "Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.

Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar."

I actually had started with a different Bible verse today. I cut and tried to paste it, but it disappeared. This verse is much more applicable to how I was able to find the words for today's post. I went to His word, the Bible. I encourage you to open your Bible today, and read His words. Meditate on them and be conscious of your thoughts. Try to focus on pure thoughts and goodness. Go Be blessed.

I really found that the call to read God's word was sufficient today. However, I continued to experience technical difficulties, so I will conclude with what I had started with initially. Again, I was not able to cut and paste this paragraph.

By now we have all probably heard that we should watch what we say, because there is power behind words. Our thoughts also impact our bodies and outcome of events. Not to say that words and thoughts are magic, but we have to take care to speak with thought and think in a positive manner. Be conscious of your thoughts today for they impact your words.

Maybe there will be a nugget in these words that reach someone today.


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