Again another instinct that most women have been programmed with is the desire to be a mother. I know that when I was a child I didn't have this thought nor desire, although I did like to play with my baby dolls that I received on Christmas Day. Mostly, I remember this instinct and desire to be a Mom in my mid to late 20s.
I know not everyone is gifted with the ability to carry a child, but so much aid is accessible now, that wasn't even for the last generation. I remember when I learned I was pregnant with my first. I had gone into the bathroom at 5:45am with a pregnancy test that I had bought, because I had a feeling that I could be pregnant. I pee'd on the stick and waited. I believe at the time, I had to wait for two pink lines to appear., which meant I was pregnant. I had to look back and forth at the directions several times just to make sure I was correct and didn't remember the incorrect sequence that indicated a positive pregnant reading. Sure enough, after I was sure of the reading, I was elated. I was pregnant! I ran with the stick into our bedroom. Hopefully, I had washed the test stick under warm water with soap. I jumped into the bed with pure joy and excitement, almost yelling to my soundly sleeping husband that I was pregnant. I repeated over and over with joyful triumphant shrills, "we are going to have a baby."
As those who have had children and raised them, it is no small undertaking. However, the second your new born baby is placed into your arms, the pain of childbirth subsides and a love that you never knew existed enters into you heart and envelopes your soul. I'm not sure there is a greater feeling of love; desire to nurture and care for this innocent cuteness that you are now responsible for meeting his/her every need.
If God had not created women and men with this instinct and desire for new life, creation would have potentially ended sooner than later. Again, how great is our God that He can gift us with this gift of love and new life. He has gifted us all the more with the new life that awaits us when He welcomes us into His kingdom. No wonder He will leave His flock of 99 for that 1 that has wandered away. Love is instinctual, but can be tainted, painful, and so hard at times. Thankful
Luke 15:4-5 "What man of you, having a hundred sheep, is he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing."