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3/22/24- Fri-YAY

What is it that can move you to joy?

I was driving yesterday and the sun was shining. The flowers on the trees are blooming. The window was down and the fresh breeze was blowing. Spring has sprung.

All of this set the stage, and then my favorite song started to play. It is also one of my favorite videos. Joy is personified visually, musically, and through movement and dancing with kids playing. I hope you enjoy.

One of my favorite lines from this song by Dave Matthews is “And for a moment this good time would never end, you and me, you and me.” He is sharing and completely connected to this moment of love and full elation. I hope each one of us can reflect on a moment in our lives that felt like this one, that he is depicting in his song.

John 16: 22- “Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.”

John writes of the eternal promise of joy which Jesus spoke while He was with him. Elated joy lasting for eternity is a promise we can all hope on through Jesus. A joyful moment that never ends! Yay!


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