The Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans regarding the indestructible love of God the Father and Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son. If you aren't familiar with Paul, he was initially named Saul and killed numerous people who claimed Jesus was the Son of God. Saul experienced a life transforming event, and became know as Paul.
This life transformation changed Paul’s heart forever and his eyes were opened, literally, after Jesus spoke to him through a bright light from heaven. He was blinded after this confrontation with Jesus, until he did what God had instructed him to do.
This event changed Paul’s life purpose. He dedicated his life to sharing the goodness of God and love of Jesus, His Son, to others. He was subjected to persecution and evaded continual plots by others to murder him. However, he never changed his conviction that Jesus is the Son of God nor stopped preaching the Christ in synagogues.
This is a statue of St. Paul outside of the Vatican in Rome. He is considered one of the most important influential men of the apostolic age who started the Christian church.
He was the author of Romans and 12 other books in the New Testament. His writings of what he had learned about God’s promises, were often scribed in the most despicable and insufferable settings of first-century jails while he was in chains, and yet he was joyful and proclaimed the love of Christ in these settings.
Colossians 4:18- “I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you.”
He was one of the richest in wealth to world standards and gave everything up to ensure that others would receive and learn of the riches of God the Father and Jesus, His Son. He wanted for everyone to learn of a much more valuable prosperity which resulted in eternal goodness, love, and eternal joy. Paul’s goal in life became spreading the seeds of love, encouragement, word of Jesus, and starting the church. Paul also desired unity
between Jews and Gentile Christians.
If you've ever had a group of friends, you know how valuable it is to have people in your group who portray love unconditionally. Gossip or malicious talk about others amongst the group when they are not present corrupts the group.
If there is one who strays from supporting others, it can tear a group apart. Sometimes, it just takes one individual, who is willing to continue to love that one who was downtrodden, to right the ship and encourage others to stay inclusive without convicting or confronting anyone. Walking a path that is a sacrificial example of leading and loving by example, like Paul did.
Practice loving others, as Paul did, and forgiving others like God commanded us to do. Practice- today, tomorrow, this week, the next week, the next week, for a month, for a year, and year after year— keep practicing. You can change one step at a time. Go spread the seeds of love.
In Romans 8: 28- 29, Paul wrote with great conviction, “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”