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3/7/24- Sacrifice for Others with Love

We have all had to do things in this life time that we don't want to do. We experience this daily. How do you get through these tasks, chores, jobs?

Matthew 10: 9-10- "Provide neither gold nor silver nor copper in your money belts, nor bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor staff; for a worker is worthy of food."

I remember all the dishes and bottles that used to pile up in the sink when my kids were little. It was a daily occurrence. I often times didn't get around to washing the dishes and cleaning out bottles until after I had put my kids to bed. My kitchen counters and sink would be piled high with dirty dishes and food mess to clean.

If I didn't tackle this mess before going to bed or stopping to relax for the evening, the mess would be twice as big by the next end of the day. A magic fairy never came and cleaned them overnight if I ran out of steam and couldn't clean them before falling asleep. Eventually, I was forced to clean the mess.

Someone recently asked me if I'm enjoying writing my blogs. My mind stuck on the word ’enjoying. ’ I knew it would be work and sacrifice to write this blog, but I knew it was what I was called to do. I didn't realize how much time it would take to create a website, an app, file for trademarks, an LLC, and the other end of business requirements. The idea was to reach others with how God has shown me goodness that I hope to make others see through my life experiences. Coming up with ideas, images and trying to create a succinct story that flows that people can follow everyday, has been challenging and time consuming.

It is like the dishes that use to pile up and wait for me to get to them. Sometimes it will be midnight or 5 in the morning, and I realize I have to do the work to make my blog ready to post for that next day. I will say that blogging has been a blessing to me and hopefully for others. Learning and working to spread God's good news are good for the soul. God calls us to work and not be lazy.


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