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3/8/24- The Obvious

Matthew 9:16- " No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse."

Jesus spoke in parables because who would have wanted to listen to the obvious? No one likes to be told how to do things. Most people like to figure things out on their own. God made us so unique that we would be curious and desire knowledge and understanding.

God sent Jesus because He was the new way. Jesus did not come to adapt to the "old legalism but to make all things new." Matthew 9 is a parable told by Jesus that explained the reason why the disciples were not fasting like the Pharisees or the disciples of John.

He also told this parable to symbolize the reason to not patch over the old ways with new unshrunken material, so that the material doesn't tear. Jesus was God's new way to forgiveness. He wants all to come to Him.

Go seek good today and learn new valuable and applicable goodness.


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