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  • Jill Countie


Updated: Apr 12

There is beauty all around us. Where is your focus? Do you focus on the beauty or on the imperfections?

I have been the queen of focusing on what I’d like to change in my visual space. I remember when I would push my kids on the swings in our backyard, and I would be looking at the trees around me or the plants and visualizing how I think it would look best. Eventually, I would get that space how I wanted it to look. However, I would quickly be onto the next undertaking of imperfection.

In 2016, I was forced to be still. Literally, my body wouldn't do the things I would normally do on a day-to-day basis. I remember a specific time when I needed to go to the bathroom, and my body literally wouldn't allow me to get up out of my chair. I had to ask for help from my husband and my daughter. It was very humbling to say the least.

From this point forward in November of 2016, God was working on allowing me to release this desire to perfect my surroundings and my focus. I had to focus on my needs, and recovering my independence.

Focusing on the mess, the weeds, and the spots is a challenge I believe so many of us must release. News flash, not one of us is perfect. Only Jesus walked this earth without sin. His call was an outward focus. He served others. He focused on blessing others, the goodness of life.

Welcoming others into our space is a blessing and a time for companionship and connection, which all of us long for, a gift. When I was limited physically, I isolated myself. There were a select few that I allowed into my circle, and I am forever grateful for these friends who listened and loved me through those scary times that I was not sure I would escape. This was also the time when I relied on God’s word heavily. I often made my way through the physical challenges by pushing my body to keep moving, all the while praising God for allowing me to move through the fear of my uncertain future days.

Isaiah 41:10- “ Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will surely help you; I will uphold you with you my right hand of righteousness.”

Happy Friday Friends!

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