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  • Jill Countie

4/15/24- Pleasure

Do you enjoy the pleasure of life?

It makes me marvel when I think of all the pleasures we have in our lives. God gave us senses that delight in pleasure. This picture captures one of my favorite treats, a delicious tasting gelato and the smell of a freshly made waffle cone.

This time of year stimulates my visual pleasures with bursts of colors in nature. Everywhere I turn I can see flowers brightening the landscapes with the azaleas, daffodils, tulips, magnolia bushes, and one of my favorite shades of green with new buds of leaves beginning to sprout.

Another wonderful pleasure is driving around listening to one of my favorite songs, singing along with the artist at the top of my lungs, with the window down and the cool breeze blowing my skin. Most of the sensory gifts are stimulated with this pleasureful act.

Giving and receiving a hug from a loved one is such a gift. When I was in my rough days which left me feeling weak, as though I had the flu, I introduced hug therapy. I told my family that at any moment, we could call for hug therapy, which was a 3-minute hug. It's amazing how much that physical connection with another person helped restore and ground us in the present.

How much more does God long to bless us with pleasure for eternity! He has blessed Us all with these amazingly beautiful sensory gifts and beautiful landscapes to enjoy in this world.

Luke 12: 32- “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

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