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  • Jill Countie

4/16 & 4/17/24- New Day

Did you ever stop to think about the significance of a new day?

This is the day after tax day, the reset for managing your assets. Getting the most bang for your buck, and making sure your allocations are set accurately, so that you can invest and utilize your daily earnings to be used in the most beneficial way. This also includes tithing and giving back to our Creator. Helping others along the way, which we are called to do, ensures all are looked after. A reset and focus from self to others which is a reflection of love.

If yesterday was a hard day, you awakened to a new sunrise today. It's a new day for a new attitude. Start with prayer and thanksgiving that you woke today, and progress from there. It's amazing all the little things we over look and take for granted. Did you have a pillow under your head last night? Did you sleep on the floor or a bed? Inside or outside with the creatures and dew? Did you get to take a warm shower this morning? Have coffee? The list is endless. Focus on every one of these amazing blessings throughout your day today.

Think on the perspective of when you were a child. You didn't have a care in the world. This past weekend, the next door neighbor kids wanted to help me work in the yard. Their idea of help was finding the worms and taking them over to the pavement and having some kind of contest. There was singing, and laughter, no cares. The thought popped into my head this morning, that this was probably how Adam and Eve were in the garden, until they were tempted and ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Isn't it interesting that we don't have much memory recall from our childhood? Maybe this is so we will seek to return to our innocence before we knew sin.

Romans 16: 19- “Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I rejoice because of you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.”

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