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  • Jill Countie

4/22/24- Cuteness-Factor

Have you ever wondered why babies are so cute?

When I see babies, puppies, and kittens I feel love. The innocence of such a small being with small features and complete cuteness can't help but make you feel a certain kind of good way, love. A love that is instinctual.

The pains of labor are for real. Some kind of pain that is indescribable. The miraculous part of labor is that it ends abruptly when the baby enters the world. That instinct that God instilled in us to love, kicks in when we conceive. A mother hopes for a healthy child, and is joyful in hope and in anticipation of love. However, setting eyes on her child after delivery, locks in a love that is merciful and everlasting.

From that moment when a new life enters this world, we have freedom of choice and decisions to make to ensure safety for this new life. Caring for a new baby or puppy requires so much sacrifice of self. All the time in the day and night hours that once where solely yours are now dedicated to caring for and meeting all the needs of this new life. This process of self-sacrifice is designed to help us love others as much as we “should” love ourselves. If we can love ourselves and love others, maybe we can secure another one of the greatest gifts in this lifetime, to have a faith strong enough to love a God that we can’t see, touch, or hear. Maybe this is why all the senses provide us so much pleasure in this life. We rely on these pleasurable feelings to help us understand and feel love that builds faith. Therefore, this self-sacrifice allows us to have mercy on those we love when we make mistakes.

What an amazing gift, this gift of life.

Micah 6:8- “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”

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