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  • Jill Countie

4/23/24- All Together Better

Can one person have a success without the support, guidance, and love from others?

This past weekend, we pulled off a night that I had pictured happening from the moment we viewed our house during the house hunting process. It was a lovely night filled with food, friendships, and fun. A whole lot of positive F- words. That was for you H! The prep work was so worth the end result.

This evening could not have turned out as I imagined, if all the people involved hadn't contributed. Friends provided their loving support through food prep, placement prep, and a willingness to have fun. The whole is far more extraordinary than bits and pieces.

God does give us opportunities to cultivate good moments and memories along with other good. However, you have to do the work to make things happen. I found this past week that working hard without grumbling or complaining is still an area that I must perfect. Although I know that no one is perfect that has walked this earth, except Jesus. This is all the more reason to fill my thoughts and my heart with God's word and promises by reading, memorizing and reciting verses from the Bible.

God calls us to work without complaining or grumbling. It is impossible to live and walk a life of gratitude and joy, if we complain and grumble along the way. A reset of focus on goodness can happen repeatedly throughout the day. Every individual must make that choice.

Ephesians 4:28- "Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need."

Grateful for the gifts of good works, good moments, and good friends.

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