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  • Jill Countie

4/24/24- Exercise

Do you feel better when you exercise your body and mind?

It's amazing how moving your body can work the kinks out. The little aches and pains that surface, can be relieved with some movement. Not only is the movement good for the body, it is also a time for your mind to become restored and flooded with dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals released in the brain are God’s way of giving each one of us a built-in happy pill, minus the pill😁

The amount of swimming, or lengths of a pool that have been swum by my parents, my siblings, me and my brothers, my husband and sister-in-law, all three of my children, and all 4 of my nieces would be an interesting mileage count. Knowing my Dad he will probably try to tally this mile count after reading this blog.

My dad and mom have been consistent on swimming laps for the past 35 years. I’ve spend many days sharing the pool with them at the YMCA and neighborhood pools and even yesterday at their retirement community pool. What a wonderful and positive way to spend time with my parents. It always has been a positive and enjoyable time spent with them.

Not only is exercise good for the body and mind, but it is good for the soul. There is such a feeling of complete relaxation of the mind and body after exercising that it rejuvenates your soul. The thoughts that may have been clouding your mind are released during exercise. Exercise is almost like hitting a reset for mind, body, and soul. Be mindful of the body and soul and you will be restored.

Psalm 23: 2- 3 “He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake.”

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