Would you want to go back and be a child again and start over?
This was the question my Mom asked my oldest son yesterday on our way to dinner. The answer I heard from him surprised me, because he has told me that he loved his childhood. His answer was "No." This was the same answer my Mom gave, and the same answer I have given when she's asked me this same question.
I asked Will, why wouldn't he want to go back and do it all over again? He was very clear with his answer that he couldn't stand school. Although, I believe if I had pried a bit more, he would have said that swimming was hard along with a lot of other responsibilities that life threw at him. My Mom wasn't able to answer this question, but I know that she worked a lot as a teacher and Mom. Her life has been full and tiring. My favorite time of life was having small kids, which was tough. I was sleep deprived, over worked and busy with my business. I still wouldn't want to go back. I’ll opt to wait til grandkids.
I wonder how many people would actually answer yes. Life in general, is very grueling. and tiring with periods of loneliness. It can also be slow, repetitive and boring at times. There are a lot of decisions to make, lessons to learn, and wisdom to gain. The bottom line is that life is hard work. There is a lot of happiness sprinkled into life, but even this requires planning, effort and a reality that we face returning to the gerbil wheel. All good things come to an end, eventually.
I believe that God designed life this way. The temptation of sin can be enticing, but inevitably leads to a fall. Sin ultimately leads to hardship and heartache. If Eve hadn't of eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, there would not have been a fall. We would have no shame, hurt, pain or things which make us not want to repeat our lives. Ultimately, if we choose to accept Jesus as Our Savior, we will return to the garden after this life, where there are no cares and complete goodness, acceptance and love.
Psalm 103: 15- 22
“ As for man, his days are like grass;
as a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
For the wind passes over it, and it is gone,
and it's place remembers it no more.
But the mercy of the Lord is from
Everlasting to Everlasting
On those who fear Him,
And His righteousness to children's children,
To such as keep His covenant,
and to those who remember
His commandments
to do them.
The Lord has established
His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all.
Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word,
Heeding the voice of His word.
Bless the Lord, all you His hosts,
You ministers of His, who do His pleasure.
Bless the Lord, all His works, in all places of dominion.
Bless the Lord, O my soul!”