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4/26/24- Trust

Psalm 32:8- “The Lord says, ‘I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.’”

Just like a parent watches over his/her child, God promises to guide us on the best path for our life. However, we cannot discount the lessons our parents have taught us to keep us safe. God also wants us to follow His instruction that He has provided to guide us to this good life. You cannot have it both ways.

Instruction is meant to be just that, a set of bumper rails to keep you on the right path and from falling off course. Righteousness is choosing the right path, not the path of sin, which leads to heartache and pain. If only we had a little angel on one shoulder telling us to take the right path, and making sure we took it.

The fact that we have been given free will to choose and make our own choices, doesn't always better our lives. Look at Eve’s choice to be tempted with more knowledge and understanding. We all know now that more is not always better. It is just more.

Make sure you do the work to learn and keep God’s word on your heart for guidance so that you will choose the best path that God has already laid out for your life.


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