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  • Jill Countie

4/3/24- Promises Promises

Updated: Apr 12

This past Sunday was Easter. We were at the beach and attended the sunrise service. This is something I've enjoyed since I was 15 years old. It was my first spring break, and I had gone to the beach with a group of friends. I'm not sure who recommended going, but I am so thankful and was blessed by getting up before the sun to sink my toes in the sand and witness the sunrise that morning. I feel even more blessed with my husband and children, however many are present each year, to walk out on the sand and witness the symbolism of the Son Rising.

The light is a symbol of hope and of God. For He said, “I am the way and the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14: 6

Actually seeing the sun rise into the sky, is another promise of hope. It's the start of a new day. Each new day is a gift for a new start, a new attitude, and a clean slate.

Jesus took all the pain we have all experienced in this lifetime along with all the pain He endured for all of us, out of love, and agreed to be nailed to the cross. He died a painful death that He knew in advance was His destiny. He never even sinned. That means that He never thought anything that was impure and never did anything impure. He was tempted by the devil in the desert!

He didn't feel the need to prove anything to Him. He went to the cross, even though He wanted to stay with those He loved. He went to the cross completely out of unselfish love for everyone!

I'm providing the link to the sermon from Southbridge from this past Sunday on Easter. A beautiful picture through words describes the abundant blessing we all have available to us. I hope you will listen to the full sermon that was preached from our church in Raleigh. Go be blessed.

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