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  • Jill Countie

4/4/24- Fly Free

Updated: Apr 12

Are we supposed to hold onto past hurts and wrongdoings? Will holding on to wrongdoings enrich our lives or make our days heavy?

We have all been hurt by someone. Maybe we have been hurt continually by the same person or by multiple people. I think on a daily basis everyone can get aggravated by a situation or by an individual. When I was a new driver and even now, I still get annoyed by a “crazy,” fast, inconsiderate, weaving drivers. They can raise my blood pressure, but I know I don't want this small incident to dictate my entire days outlook and ultimate goal of peace and goodness.

When someone hurts us or makes us mad, it can be hard to let go and process. However, it can feel all kinds of unsettling if we keep hold of the anger or the hurt. It feels very heavy and often almost presents the heaviness as if you are wearing a sign on your face.

The other problem people run into is telling people about their pain or story about a crazy driver, whatever the scenario. What this does is project your anger, sadness, or pain into another individual's space and day. It is spreading negativity, and transferring the weight onto someone else. This is how I have felt most my life, but I'm learning that we can share safely with our person or people.

When you have a group of individuals or a team, the last thing you want is a negative environment or individuals who talk poorly about other people on the team. It creates division when it is a story that involves two or more people on the team. It also spreads those unpleasant feelings to other people, creating a negative cloud that ultimately points back to you. Your sign on your face may now be a warning sign.

How much better we feel when we spread love and peace because love and peace are ultimately pleasant places we appreciate and enjoy. Not to say that some people in our lives can't be difficult on a daily basis that we must interact with regardless. In those instances, it is best to seek support outside of that group with a neutral party.

Ultimately, we can choose what we want to share with the world and what we want to project onto others. Our greatest example of forgiveness and letting go is from God the Father and His Son. God has called us to move forward and not hold on to past grievances.

Philippians 3: 13- 15 “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

vs 15 “ Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you.”

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Jill Countie
5월 09일

Thank you Anissa! 💕


4월 05일

Amen and Amen!

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