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  • Jill Countie

4/5/24- Misconception

Updated: Apr 12

You are loved!

I think one of the biggest misconceptions I carried with me for way too long, was thinking that somebody had to know all about me to love me. People don't need to know all your business. And let me tell you, they don't want to know all your business. Everybody has their own full plate. We are all trying to make it every single day.

People can just love you…because they do!! You don't have to do anything to win love or accomplish great awards to be loved. The right people will just love you, if you let them. And guess what, you can love them back!

I remember all three times when my newborn babies were placed in my arms, I had such a love for them that I never knew existed. This love was instinctual, and it came from within me. I have love in me, because I have claimed Jesus as my savior. Therefore, He has given me His Spirit to allow me to love and be connected to Him and others.

When Jesus knew that He was leaving His disciples to go to heaven, He shared with them the following commandment.

John 13: 34- “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”

Love is not mean to be hard. Although it can be at times. Love is not meant to hurt. Although it can at times. Love is meant to be forever, and it is if you are yoked with Jesus.

We are called to make our paths straight and carefully consider our actions and words and try to do the right thing. This is what God has called us to do. When we don't do the right thing, we are called to ask for forgiveness. We have been given His words in the Bible to keep us disciplined and to not serve ourselves.

Go Love well! 💜

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