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  • Jill Countie

4/9/24- It's Work

Updated: Apr 12

Do we ever finish working?

Actually, work is something that will always be a part of a healthy lifestyle. There are always messes that either we create or that just occur like, dust, weeds, pollen, spills, outdoors getting tracked indoors, etc.. Needless to say, we were meant to keep moving.

Just like we must work to keep our surrounds cleaned up and shipshape, we are more than likely working on ourselves. If we are heart-centered people, then we care about bettering ourselves. A positive outlook is a constant challenge that starts in the heart and is validated by the words we speak.

Jesus was sent to perform amazing wonders and works up until His death on the cross when His work was completed for all of us. He didn't let distractions or temptations lead Him away from completing the work He was sent here to do.

It is human nature to fall off task or get lazy and not complete what we have set out before us. Sometimes just getting ready for the day is work, and repetitive, but positive and essential.

Our hard work is a testament to our faith, and it honors God. Jesus claims that the works He was doing in the world, testify that the Father sent Him. We must commit to doing the work laid out before us, with an attitude of gratitude, to show our love for God and others.

John 5:36

“I have testimony weightier than that of John. For the works that the Father has given me to finish—the very works that I am doing—testify that the Father has sent me.

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