What unites use?
When we meet new people, we often try to establish a connection. We try to find a common ground, something we have in common. Maybe it would be a school we attended, a person we may know in common, a sport we play. Any number of things we can explore that may lead us to have a common ground. Something that makes us have an established bond.
Every summer when our kids were young, we got together with family for 10+ summers at the beach. It was so nice how quickly the cousins would slip right into a comfort zone and have fun, laughing, playing and relaxing. Uniting with my brothers and parents was always so familiar. We have that common blood bond which is stronger with water 🤣, especially at the beach with a bunch of swimmers.
Another family bond we can share is also a strong blood bond with Jesus and the cross. This common bond makes us like brothers and sisters. All who walk with Jesus are accepted in love and know what sacrifice looks like. When we fall, we need only ask God for forgiveness. He accepts our requests and wants us to learn from them, so as not to repeat them.
It is much more reassuring when we face trial and tribulation to put our eyes on Jesus and stay focused. It is also a complete blessing when one of your sisters or brothers is aware of our hardship and helps support, carry the burden, or love us through to the other side. There were not many who walked with Jesus, who actually visited him while He hung on the cross. Fear prevailed.
We now have God’s living word to turn to for guidance and comfort, to carry with us in our hearts. Fear is a strong emotion. “Do not be afraid,”has been recorded more than 70 times in the Bible. God realized that we need to carry that promise with us that He is with us and in control. He has promised to work for the good of us in all things. We must keep the faith in all of God's promises. Stand united.
Matthew 10:26
“So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.”