IT is always a good feeling to make it to Friday! It has been a busy and emotional week. I'm so grateful for the love I felt this week from my friends and family.
What have you been blessed with today or this week?
I'm thankful that college exams are almost done. I'm thankful for old friends and good visits. I'm thankful control has been gained on most of the college campuses where protesters were impacting innocent students’ lives. I'm thankful for law enforcement. I'm thankful for kind gestures. And I’m thankful it's Friday!!
Count your blessings as you move into the weekend. There are so many levels of blessings that all different people can acknowledge throughout their day. One of my biggest blessings this week is that my friend received a medicine box with a large number of medications that allow her to move through her day without excruciating pain due to her life-altering cancer. Others are grateful for a meal, and others the gift of sight, sound and mobility. There are an abundance of blessings we can focus on throughout a day. Stay focused on the positive. God is good!
1Timothy 2: 1-2
"I urge...that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people---
for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives."