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5/22/24- Every Second

What were you given in just this last second?

Well, if you are alive, then you had a heart beat a second ago, and this very second. To give some perspective, the human body contains approximately 4 to 5 liters of blood, which is circulating at all times. This is the equivalent to 2 to 2.5 soda bottles worth of blood. Every second/each heartbeat, 70 mL of blood is pumped into the arteries from the heart. The heart pumps 5 to 7 litres of blood in a minute and 7600 litres per day. Our heart is constantly processing and full of life giving blood.

WE all know that the heart is the constant for life, eventhough we cannot see it pumping the blood. The amazing thing is that we can feel and hear the heartbeat if we focus on these sensories. WE know these facts only because life has been studied throughout the centuries. Humans have also seen life lost, because life is fleeting.

Throughout our lifetime, WE do not have to focus on keeping our heart pumping our blood. WE simply have faith that it will do it's job. Christ came for all of us, and followed through with accomplishing what His Father set out for Him to do for all mankind. Jesus did His job, out of love, for all who will love and acknowledge Him.

Prior to Jesus, so Before Christ, and written and recorded in Exodus by Moses, 1526 B.C.- 1406 B.C., through the dedication of the tabernacle in 1445 B.C. God commanded Moses to say to the children of Israel to build an altar. The atlar was the place where the burnt offerings and peace offerings were to be sacrificed. This was done so that God could be honored, and He in turn could bless His people.

Exodus 20: 22- 24

"Then the Lord said to Moses,

'Thus you shall say to the children of Israel:

'You have seen that I have talked with you from heaven.

You shall not make anything to be with Me---gods of silver

or gods of gold you shall not make for yourselves. An ALTAR

of earth you shall make for ME, and you shall sacrifice on it

your burnt offerings and your peace offerings,

your sheep and your oxen. In every place

where I record My name

I will come to you,

and I will bless


These sacrifices are no longer made or required since the coming of Christ. Jesus gave His own blood, as an offering for all those whom He loves. Jesus was whipped to a bloody unrecognizable mess prior to His crucifixion. He died, not because He was guilty of sin, but because we all are sinners. The Son of God paid our price for all that we have done to turn from God and put our wants above His needs. His blood is sufficient for our forgiveness and for our peace. Go in Peace.


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