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5/28/24- Simplistic

Why do you believe the fall of man starts with simplicity?

This past weekend I had a gift of a conversation with my best friend from college. I was fortunate to visit her in February for an overnight and enjoyed one of her husband’s amazingly decadent meals. We have been there for each other throughout this lifetime since we were teenagers. She got me the second we were on that pool deck together and a song by Soul II Soul blasted over the speakers and filled Koury Natatorium. "Back to Life, Back to Reality," created a bond between us that cemented as we waited for our favorite part of the song, and then we would simultaneously both execute perfectly our made-up dance moves. I was at one end of the pool, and she was at the other end near the diving boards. As she was one of the best divers to come out of UNC, that's just an aside.

Appropriately we bonded over a Soul II Soul song, as we are both believers and our souls align. I will say that she is far smarter and more creative than I am. The amount of joy I have received throughout this friendship has blessed my life and hers as well. I have loved learning from her throughout the times we have spent together, either in person or talking or texting. She provided some insight to me during our conversation, a little morsel. She said very matter-of-factly, "Why do you think creation is so simplistic? You have man, woman, snake, tree of knowledge. It's because all humans think so completely differently, and God wanted to make it simple for all to believe." She finished with, "That's why the word is all simplistic." We are both grounded in reality, true realists.

She has been to the Promised Land, Israel, and spoke of the beauty and magnificence of all the historical remnants that still stand that are documented in the Bible. She witnessed a woman standing at the Wailing Wall crying with her hand pressed to the wall. This wall is located in the Old City of Jerusalem, made of limestone, and forms part of the larger retaining wall of the hill. This hill is known as the Temple Mount by Jews and Christians. There is a section of the wall used for Jewish prayer. This section is the entire western side and a retaining wall of the Temple Mount. It measures 488 meters long or 1,601 feet. This image is etched in her mind still to this day. The power of prayer and times of despair is such an intense feeling that overcomes your entire soul and can be riddled with desperation and tears.

This complete feeling of despair accompanies grief and loss of life. When someone has left us or is leaving us. Jesus also felt this feeling of despair and raw emotion as He faced the betrayal of one of His friends and disciples, who had walked alongside Him and witnessed and learned from Him. Jesus went and prayed in the garden of Gethsemane while He awaited this betrayal. Jesus addressed His disciples and asked them to pray. He said to them, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me." -Matthew 26: 38

This raw emotion of deep felt pain is inescapable even from a non-sinner, Jesus. The truth that we will be united with Him after our death helps us hold onto hope and helps us heal from this pain. Thankfully, we have been sent a Savior, who loved so well, that He died for each and every one of us sinners.

Philippians 4: 4- 7

"Rejoice in the Lord always, Again I will say rejoice!

Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."



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