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  • Jill Countie

5/3/24- Stay Present

How do you stay present?

It is so easy to jump ahead of ourselves and long for something you look forward to, like a vacation or a night out. It is also easy to spend time in the past. This day today is the one to live and be present in. I have sung the following melody countless times throughout my lifetime, “This is the day. This is the day that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” There is an extra emphasis on “this is the day” and “let us rejoice.” This song is a great reminder to enjoy this day, be present and be grateful.

I know everyone has probably heard the saying, live like it's your last day. The truth is that no one knows their last day that they will spend with someone they love. The last day you will be in the world.

Waking up and getting to enjoy the beauty of today is a gift. It can be a good gift if you choose to adjust your focus on goodness, not what tasks need to be accomplished that are ahead of you.

The time we get to spend connecting with loved ones most days is limited. We all have our designated jobs and checklists to attend. However, some of my best days have been days when I’ve been able to be spontaneous. Just the other evening my husband and I took a walk to a local restaurant and enjoyed each other's company and created a wonderful evening that was so nice for both of us.

Isaiah 40:31 “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles.”

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