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  • Jill Countie

5/30/24- Peace

Updated: Aug 13

Do you recall a time when you were at peace?

The definition of peace in the dictionary included nine different meanings. Webster defined PEACE as:

“ a state of tranquility or quiet;

such as:

-freedom from civil disturbances,

-a state of security or order within a community provided for by law of custom

-freedom from oppressive thoughts or emotions

-Harmony in personal relations

-a state of mutual concord between governments

-a pact or an agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity

-used interjectionally to ask for silence or calm or as a greeting or farewell

-To BE, to become, or keep silent or quiet. “

Peace is a unique place and feeling. It is not a feeling or place that we surrender to often as humans on a personal level. At least I can say that in my lifetime, I’m not sure it’s a place that I’ve remained for very long periods of time, until these past several years. It has been a blessing to live a lifetime in a country that has provided for the most part, peaceful relations within our border.

As I sit and reflect on complete peace and peaceful times in my lifetime, I realize that these memories almost encapsulate pure joy. Most of the amazing moments that come to mind are so closely associated with love. Peace is sometimes a feeling shared with another person, a bond.

The space of Peace is filled with love, absent of strife. Peace is mostly silent. Some of my favorite moments of peace have included special time spent with my spouse. This peace is such an amazing place. Also, holding, rocking and feeding a baby is such a beautiful place of peace and love.

My daughter, Grace, gave me her perspective on peace. She said she feels that peace is achieved when she has done all the things that she believes God has wanted her to do. Her list that she felt needed to align includes: praying about her day, having a sense of accomplishments at her job, eating well throughout the day, and working out her body to help her reach complete peace. This place of peace left nothing incomplete.

Grace also said that she was at a complete place of peace recently after she went to yoga with her friends. After she had finished her yoga class, she felt at peace. She described peace as follows. Her mind was completely free from racing thoughts. She simply would have a thought and be able to complete the thought. She was completely present when she was having conversations without anything distracting her. Her connection with her friend during conversation was easy. She was in a state of tranquility, free from problems and had a calm presence.

Peace is free from any form of disputes in the mind, body or spirit. Jesus gives peace as a gift and wants to give it to us. Jesus shared this desire to provide peace with His disciples. Peace is a restful night sleep and waking with no alarm. Peace is a destination that’s obtainable with Jesus.

John 16:33

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

As I was reading the part to Grace that she had shared with me, a flying cockroach stole our peace from us. Needless to say, we were screeching and jumping around while we tried to kill it. It got away from us. The world keeps it real and will continue to disrupt our peace. Each new day is an opportunity to turn to God’s word and bury it in our hearts, along with spending time with Him through prayer. These are just as necessary as the truth that each new day starts with either a sunrise, clouds or raindrops.

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