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6/12/24- Man and Woman

Who did God create?

Well the answer kind of preceeded the question. This could have been an extra credit question by a kind teacher. God created man in His own image, then He realized He made a mistake and created woman. HA HA --I acutally heard this joke last week, so I can't take credit. It is a pretty good joke though.

Ever since I was a young girl, I have been involved in sports. I was fortunate to get to play soccer on a girl's team. I swam and was on the diving teams in the summertime with other girls my age. And as most of you know, I competed in Women's Swimming for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in college.

My young little body endured early wake ups at 4:50am from the time I was just 10 years of age. I would swim before school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and after school every afternoon. I also would attend practice on Saturday mornings, but was able to sleep in until 6:15am. I was the only 10 year old at morning practice before school. As a matter of fact, I swam with all teenagers. This was a time when more seemed better to most coaches and parents when talent was noticed. There are many parents and coaches who still have this mentality.

I took a different approach with my children, due to the life experience, and wisdom I had gained from my life in sports which was riddled with injuries. I actually made my kids wait until they were 9 years of age before I allowed them to swim year round. This is something my husband and I agreed upon. We both knew from experience that day in and day out swim practice is a long journey. We both agreed it might suit our kids better in the long run, if they started year round swimming at age 9.

My Mom and Dad both played such an important role in my swimming success, as did my younger brother. My parents would co-ordinate carpools and drive many many days a week to and from the pool. They would also sacrifice so many weekends and family trip opportunities due to 3 day weekend swim meets. Many of these meets were out of town and required us to spend the weekends in a hotel and eating out. My younger brother held me accountable. When I was 16 to 18 years old, many mornings he made sure I got out of bed. Support from loved ones in life is such a great gift.

My Mom was so pleased that I was able to compete in sports as a young girl. She, as a girl, was limited due to limited female sports available for her to play or compete in. It's amazing that there was only one generation, a span of--- twenty years, where female sports were not compromised. Title IX was signed into law in 1972. The law was passed to aid woman and prohibited sex-based discrimination in any school or educational facility that received federal funding from the government. This law was put into place to protect and help establish rights for women in education and sports.

God bless the USA for those in positions of power who look out for woman and help provide a platform for us to participate, compete and learn at a level that has been available to men for centuries. Men and women are naturally two different types of human beings. This would be the initial reasoning behind having two categories for sports teams.

Women’s right to compete against a fair playing field is being compromised again. Women have just made their way to the competition stage, and already there are loopholes being created by those who identify as a different sex to that which they entered this world anatomically. I’m hopeful that powers will realize that this is not about allowing all to participate, but keeping the playing field fair and safe. There are false teachers out there who stir a mixture of truth and error. Seek the truth and keep fighting for justice for the naturally born female athletes.

Sending well wishes to all the male and female athletes competing these next two weeks for Olympic births. Your sacrifices, struggles, pain, sweat and tears are all real and do not go unnoticed. You have already achieved so many valuable life lessons that you will carry with you throughout your lives.

Jude 1: 16-

“These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage. But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit.”

Dedicated to: my daughter, my nieces, Heath 🤍, Nailah and all female athletes who seek and fight for the truth & female sports to remain free of cross-hormone, cross body-type, and cross- anatomical differences…for WO-man!


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