What components are necessary to reach and celebrate 60 years of marriage?
Chosing Love every day
Physical connection…
All of the above components are essential for a marriage to be blessed for 60 years. God cautions on marrying someone who does not have faith in God if you do. However, not all relationships have that common denominator, and some make it to this milestone. The amount of happiness within the marriage may be the questionable narrative.
My parents are celebrating 60 years of marriage today. My Dad refers to their marriage milestone as 60 years of wedded- bliss. All who have been married know that this statement is a little tongue-in-cheek. Marriage is a lot of work, and yet it can be such a rewarding journey in this lifetime. The fact that more than half of marriages do not last, ending in divorce, and a large percentage have a partner who leaves through death. The actual percentage of marriages who reach the 60 year anniversary is only 4%.
Marriage is a commitment that must be chosen every day. One person or both people must put each other before there own wants and sometimes needs. An anology that I heard not too long ago by Renee Brown was so applicable and could help so many relationships communicate in a relateable way. She said that marriage is never 50/50. There are so many days where one person relies on the other more or gives more to the other person. She said she is very real with her husband. Somedays she walks in the door and says, I'm at 20% right now. That means she needs her husband to help pull the other 80%. There are also times when her husband may be at 20%, and she must pull the extra weight. This is such an applicable way to communicate to your partner. The bottom line is marriage is a partnership.
So many of us have been married in the church. Although this generation is starting to marry outside of the church. The church is a blessed place to marry two people. When I was attending many of my friend's marriages in my twenties, there was a common verse which was read at most of the weddings from Corinthians 13. This passage highlights several of these above listed components which embody love. The overview pretty much sums up love as: love suffers and is kind, don't envy, don't be rude, don't seek
your own, don't think evil of the other, rejoice in the truth.
Corinthians 13: 7
"bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things."
...This is the key to 60 years of marriage with God's grace.
One of the best examples my parents passed on to me was an example of a kiss. Every day when my Dad left for work in the morning or got home from work in the evening, he would kiss my Mom. My Dad would kiss my Mom whenever they were leaving each other. This is something that I requested of my husband. I wanted to put this same tradition into practice in our marriage. This physical expression embodies love, kindness, and compassion toward your partner. It feels good too. We just reached the halfway mark this year, so maybe there is something to this sign of affection.
My Dad has been blessed with my Mom, and my Mom has been blessed with my Dad, over these past 60 years of marriage. Together they have been a blessing to so many others. Me and my brothers and our families have been blessed with all of the above components exemplified and witnessed and applied to our own lives and relationships. I'm so thankful God blessed me with you both as my parents.
Congratulations on 60 Years of Marriage!!
We love you and look forward to celebrating you both!