What happens when the law is not observed?
Chaos ensues. One circumstance we have all experienced is when the electricity is out and we roll up on a stoplight. The line of cars in all directions can be a massive traffic jam for miles. This one signal can impact a countless number of people’s day. Their schedules are all affected. This situation can often impact each individual's mood as well.
There are so many stories daily we can see on the news as highlights to darkness that leave loved ones grieving because of individuals who break the law and harm or murder innocent people. The largest tragedies, in my opinion, involve innocent children who are harmed or murdered. These news stories have somewhat numbed our society to the evils, pain, and suffering that follow the breaking of laws.
God gave us all a simplified version of the laws we must obey. He gave us the 10 commandments. However, Jesus highlighted the greatest commandment in the law. In all actuality Jesus included two commandments as the greatest, because the first is not possible without the second.
Matthew 22: 37- 40
“ Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
The truth is if these two commandments were obeyed, our society would have much less chaos, pain, and suffering. We would have our eyes set on God and seek to behave out of love and compassion throwing our own agendas out the window. We would be selfless in chaos. The example of the inoperable stoplight would look a lot different if people stopped focusing on their agenda in their car, and worked together to rectify the situation. Moods would be much better if individuals were received with kind gestures as opposed to yelling and hand gestures. The situation would almost be a blessing as opposed to a curse.
This is why God has laid out His law, which is the upmost valuable and important law to followers. We are not meant to conform to this society, but to seek to follow God’s laws and commandments. This is why He has given us His words in the Bible; to study, to learn, and to hold onto without ever forgetting.
Never forget, that we are all called to be observers of His law.