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  • Jill Countie

6/3/24- Belief

Have you experienced the power of belief?

Most of us have heard the saying, "the mind is a powerful tool." In all actuality our minds run the show. It rules our thoughts and our movements. The mind is working, even when we are asleep.

This above picture captures my son after he qualified for the Olympic Trials in the 100 back in 2020. Crazy thing is he qualified the day before in the 100 backstroke, but he flinched on the start, so he was disqualified. His flinch actually gave him a disadvantage, but the rule is, no movement.

Will had it in his head that he was going to go for the cut in the morning on the first 100 of his 200 back event that day. His coach tried to convince him to time trial, and so did me and my husband. He had it in his mind that he was going to stick with his plan. This picture captures his elation after he made the cut, that morning on the way out to his 200 back.

My swim coaches have made me believe in myself before, just through powerful speeches and reinforcing what they believed I was capable of accomplishing in a race. I have several memories of races where the belief in myself allowed me to surprise even myself. I have shared the most memorable and life changing race in a previous post. Winning the 50 freestyle at Junior Naitonals my senior year in H.S., after being seeding near the bottom in the event, changed my life. I had so much prep work to rely on that enabled me to believe that I was capable of winning. My coach had given me an amazing talk after my last practice prior to leaving for Florida the next day. He was not able to attend the meet, but took the time to give me this talk prior to me leaving. On the van ride down to Florida, I read the book, Winning Isn't Normal. This book made me believe that anyone, any size, could win, if she/he believed in themselves and the work they had done. I had also done the work.

If I had not won that 50 freestyle in Orlando, Florida in 1987, I probably would not have met my husband and lived the life I have lived, which has been such a blessing. I cannot imagine not having my 3 children and my husband of 30 years. I am forever grateful that God chose this path for my life.

Belief can be life-changing. It can change your life path on earth. Belief can also change your life-path after death. All we are called to do is believe that Jesus is the Son of God. The result will be to spend eternity loving and rejoicing. God says that He wants the best for us. He sure does not want us to suffer for eternity with His fallen angel.

Psalm 32: 8

"The Lord says, 'I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.'"

Happy Fri-Yay!

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