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6/4/24- Lots of Goings-ons

Do you celebrate the little things?

Yesterday Kyle had his last procedure to put him back together after his jet skiing accident over spring break of April 2023. Dr. Lisk placed his last tooth implant to fill his mouth again with no gaps. The teeth replacement process took the longest to complete. However teeth were the least severe injuries that could have altered his quality of life for the long-term for all of our tribe of 5.

Kyle's large gaps in his mouth have been a good reminder that life can change in an instant. This accident did force Kyle to make some life-altering changes. He had to stop swimming. He had to give up his dream of swimming in college. He has been forced to consider his new path.

All of these things are just a redirect. He is still able to walk, talk, and carry on with his daily life. We are forever grateful for these amazing gifts that all of us take fore-granted every morning when we swing our legs out of bed and walk to the bathroom. So easily we overlook the little things, which in the Big picture are the BIG THINGS. We are beyond blessed.

Psalm 119: 14- 15

"'Because they love me,' says the LORD, I will rescue them; I will protect them, for they acknowledge my name. They will call on me, and I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble, I will deliver them and honor them'."

It is amazing that we have continued to gain wisdom throughout the centuries and build on what previous generations have learned. We no longer have permanent huge gaps when we lose a tooth. We no longer have wooden teeth to fill a gap. The one constant has been that the word of God has been with all these generations since after the death of Christ, and since Moses delivered and recorded God's words that were revealed to him on the mountain.

I encourage you to go climb the mountain today and everyday. Build your wisdom of what God has promised all of us. Learn His word and keep it close to your heart.

Beyond thankful for the BIG gifts that allow me to share this with you today; sight, mobility, knowledge, time, and the gift of Kyle.


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